Public Access
Transcription and Video Recording of Proceedings
The proceedings of the Attorney Discipline Board and its Hearing Panels, whether conducted in person or via Zoom (or similar two-way interactive video technology), shall be transcribed by a court reporter certified in accordance with MCR 8.108(G). The transcript is the official record of the proceedings.
Proceedings conducted via Zoom (or similar video technology) will be live-streamed on YouTube (or a similar video-sharing platform). A video recording of a live-streamed hearing panel proceeding made by such a platform will be available for public viewing for 24 hours. A video recording of a live-streamed Board review proceeding made by such a platform will be available for public viewing for 7 days. (Links to ADB channels may be found on the ADB website; notices of hearing will also contain the links.)
Adopted August 26, 2020
Revised September 8, 2021